How to redo the eyebrows of sex dolls?

How to redo the eyebrows of sex dolls?

1. You can try the eyebrow stamp or eyebrow wax paper. When I stripped off all her original makeup and started from scratch, I was actually already using eyebrow stamps. Nowadays, I tend to use an eyebrow pencil to “fill … Continued
What do you use to clean the doll’s head? Should her head/face be oiled like her body, and how often? What are the safe products that can recolor her lips and areola?

What do you use to clean the doll’s head? Should her head/face be oiled like her body, and how often? What are the safe products that can recolor her lips and areola?

1. Typically, you don’t actually need to oil the head. Heads are just not under the same stresses as the body and oiling will remove the factory make-up. Although, reapplying make-up is not all that difficult. I clean my WM … Continued
Are there any specific cosmetics that are better for TPE?

Are there any specific cosmetics that are better for TPE?

1. Both Liquid and Pencil eyeliners have their use. I use mainly powder makeup. Alexa Poletti on youtube is an absolute doll and her hair/makeup videos are a good starting place. If you like the factory makeup, take good clear … Continued
Will the doll turn darker after doing a mineral oil treatment?

Will the doll turn darker after doing a mineral oil treatment?

1. Not really darker, but a different sort of hue right after. Lightens again after powdering though. 2. When the TPE doll gets dry, it will be a little lighter in color but typically returns once you re-hydrate. 3. What … Continued
Is lipstick a good option for TPE doll makeup?

Is lipstick a good option for TPE doll makeup?

1. I like the Black Opal brand, double-ended lip gloss. The bottle cap has its own applicator, once it is set, it can be used for a long time, usually a few hours on the TPE. 2. I have been … Continued
How to remove makeup from your doll?

How to remove makeup from your doll?

Use mineral oil/baby oil. Fold a piece of quality paper towel several times so you have a straight edge to work with. This will allow you to control where the oil goes, and where it doesn’t. Soak the end of … Continued