Does heating a doll with an electric blanket increase the risk of fabric stains? Would you heat the doll with clothes on?

Does heating a doll with an electric blanket increase the risk of fabric stains? Would you heat the doll with clothes on?

1. Nope, I’ve never experienced stains from heating but then again during the winter, I heat my dolls first before clothing. I’ve never heated my dolls while they have been clothed. 2. Yes, but not from a heating blanket. I … Continued
Did you wash off the powder before using the doll for sex? Will the combo of lube & powder create a whitish sticky residue?

Did you wash off the powder before using the doll for sex? Will the combo of lube & powder create a whitish sticky residue?

1. A light dusting was one description. Just enough to get the surface dry to the touch. 2. There was a technique posted of filling a sock with powder, padding her down with that then using a make-up brush to … Continued